ROTTEN to the CORE 45
this ROTTEN to the CORE 45 came out around '73, such a great name, it's actually glam rock, probably from the u.k., this is a german pressing.......
....then again they weren't KIPPER, than again nobody was KIPPER except for KIPPER !
PLANET of the APES 45
this PLANET of the APES 45 came out around '74, supposed to be killer junkshopglam, but this is just what we heard, honestly don't know....
I had known that the bc warned of Bin Laden long before 911. In the spring of '98 when I visited Dr. Rips in Israel, he showed me a code that he believed revealed the true nature of God - Judgement of God was intertwined with with Mercy of God. According to Midrash and Rips, the world was created twice, it was first conceived of from the point of view of absolute judgement, right and wrong, then God saw that the world could not exist this way, that there was no room for human imperfection and he added mercy.
But it's not like mixing hot and cold water and getting lukewarm, it's like mixing fire and snow and each preserves it's separate existence. those may be 2 strands in the Bible Code.
RED, WHITE, and BLUE, were formed by ex CUBY + THE BLIZZARDS members, who were a european garage band of the 60s ( see page 2 ), this lp is full of heavy glam and psych, w/ a rhythm'n'blues influence.......this is their 1st and only album, which sold pretty poor at the time, but we bet it has some good tunes ; 7 tracks...... some titles: "Happyville", "Perfection", "Pigeon Girl", "Freewheeler",.....etc.