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70s invasion - Miscellaneous 70s


the very rare BELISAMA 45 came out in 1970 and was made in spain not sure exactly what type of music it is, but it is a great cover :)


YVETTE HORNIE was a singer from turkey, this lp came out in '78

excert from NEWS of the WIERD for week of jan 6th '08

Michael Millhouse was arrested in Clarkston, Wash., in December and charged with stealing a woman's wallet at a convenience store, a crime that was captured on surveillance video, one image from which was subsequently published on the front page of the Lewiston (Idaho) Tribune. Also on Page One that day was a news photo of a man painting Christmas messages in a local store window. A Tribune editor noticed that the two men bore a resemblance and called the police, who agreed, and arrested the painter, Millhouse. [KTVB-TV (Boise, Idaho)-AP, 12-13-07]

excerts from NEWS of the WIERD for week of jan 20th '08

Judges Fond of Probation: An unnamed Children's Court judge in Melbourne, Australia, sentenced eight boys to probation in November even though he had found them guilty of sexually assaulting a teenage girl, setting her hair on fire, spitting and urinating on her, and filming the episode. (There was no jail time, but the youths were assigned to a rehabilitation program teaching "positive sexuality"!) [The Age (Melbourne), 11-5-07]

Britain's Judge Francis Gilbert in November sentenced a 28-year-old woman to probation for her eighth conviction for false claims of rape, involving seven men over a six-year period. In one case, police said, she called them "every two or three days" to keep the investigation alive. [Daily Mail (London), 11-13-07]
